Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Giorno due


I woke up with pressure in my ears, like I was on an airplane. So I take that as a sign that my body is finally acclimating to Italy. We had italian lessons twice today, with art history class in the middle. Catia drove us up the hill to Corcina before lunch so we could purchase needed toiletries, and then walk back to the villa. Corcina is a beautiful village with narrow, cobbled, vertical streets that is a wonder to us from the U.S. We found a small bar and enjoyed a drink. While Molly was investigating the ATM, we received a first hand experience in learning the word "cat," which is gotto in Italian. This gotto walked up to us with a lizard in it's mouth. It was almost a parade to show us it's find. When it dropped the lizard, it tried to run. But the gotto was not about to let that happen. It nonchalantly ripped off the lizards tail. It could have been the most terrifying/scaring thing I have encountered here so far.
Catia (our Italian teacher) formed us that the castle next to the villa will be open on Saturday along with all of the museums in Italy due to heritage day. Were all very excited to finally get to see the interior of the castle. After dinner Michele (the owner of the villa, Mi

-kay-lay, italian version of Michael) invited us to his presentation on how to make fruit liquore, then the group proceeded to learn an Italian song and sing karaoke. It was definitely an enjoyable/interesting day.

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