Monday, September 23, 2013

Giorno uno

12:00p.m.-Today is our first actual day at the villa in Perugia, Italy. Currently I am sitting on a rooftop soaking up sun and enjoying the views of the ancient castle of Pieve del escovo, grape vineyards, and the Villa. Lunch will begin at 13:00 (1:00), followed by our first Italian lesson. So far our stay has been eye opening, and relaxing all at the same time. Yesterday, in our travels, we received a taste of everyday Italian life. Italy is a beautiful place with pain seeping from every crack in it's seems. When traveling by train there are fast views of ancient buildings covered in modern street art. People line up make-shift beds along the train tunnel walls to sleep away from the elements and they wash clothing in nearby water. At the station, the art of begging is perfected to ensure some flow of income through, clothing, word choice, gestures, and use of disadvantages.

Our first evening in the Villa we enjoyed a meal consisting of angry pasta, peas and beef, and strawberry liquor. Wine is always a dinner necessity. Breakfast in Italy is so far consistent of pastries an fruit. I would describe the Villa, but there are not words to elaborate such beauty, only art and photography could help one to understand.If you listen you can hear birds , sat cars and the sounds of true peace. 

Our first Italian class was full of new educational meanings to the world. It was almost too much to retain, but I think over the next few weeks I will be becoming better at it as I will be aiming to use it frequently. Some of the words I found interesting were as follows:

Uno- stanchi (Ston-ki) = tired
Due- mi dispiace (me dis-pe-che) = sorry
Tre- Io sono Heather (e-o so-no) = I am Heather
Quattro- grazie (grat-z-a) =hello
Cinque- bello = beautiful
Sei- la macchina (ma-ki-ah-na) = the wine

I feel that I learned a lot today, and I am very excited to do so. I  am also very excited to meet more new people and finally begin to understand/speak to them. It is currently 22:00 (10 pm) here so I am going to work on homework, and head to bed! Buenosera (good night)!

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