Our first evening in the Villa we enjoyed a meal consisting of angry pasta, peas and beef, and strawberry liquor. Wine is always a dinner necessity. Breakfast in Italy is so far consistent of pastries an fruit. I would describe the Villa, but there are not words to elaborate such beauty, only art and photography could help one to understand.If you listen you can hear birds , sat cars and the sounds of true peace.
Our first Italian class was full of new educational meanings to the world. It was almost too much to retain, but I think over the next few weeks I will be becoming better at it as I will be aiming to use it frequently. Some of the words I found interesting were as follows:
Uno- stanchi (Ston-ki) = tired
Due- mi dispiace (me dis-pe-che) = sorry
Tre- Io sono Heather (e-o so-no) = I am Heather
Quattro- grazie (grat-z-a) =hello
Cinque- bello = beautiful
Sei- la macchina (ma-ki-ah-na) = the wine
I feel that I learned a lot today, and I am very excited to do so. I am also very excited to meet more new people and finally begin to understand/speak to them. It is currently 22:00 (10 pm) here so I am going to work on homework, and head to bed! Buenosera (good night)!
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